Roman Rouge- 'it was a song that kept me from giving up on music'

By Run That Again

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Get ready world, we may have just found you a real talent. Though a new name on the block, he’s got the pop feel of Shaun Mendes and Charlie Puth, with that added something in his voice that carries a real emotional weight, and it’s really got us hooked. His latest release, ‘Need a Friend’ is catchy, with that classic pop-ballad vibe, until the vocals grab you and the production hits you with a different spin on the form that leaves you wanting more. We sat down with Roman Rouge to discuss his music and his future plans.

Tell us more about the track "Need a Friend"- what it means to you, what you hope it will mean to those who hear it?

“Need a Friend is special track to me because it was a song that kept me from giving up on music. I wrote the song during a time where I felt like my music wasn’t going to be heard because I thought nobody cared. When I released a snippet on my instagram the song was shouted out by an influencer in El Paso (Alex Galindo) which brought crazy attention to the song. Now that I’ve finished it I hope the song will live up to the potential I believe it has.”

When was the moment you thought 'i want to pursue music as a career'? 

“Once I started doing drama plays in high school I felt that I had natural attraction to the stage and singing in general since I never used to do that before. I did lead roles right off from the jump and my classmates convinced me I should make music my career.”

Who is your dream collaboration?

“I would love to one day collaborate with Majid Jordan or The Weeknd.”

Great choices. What’s the goal, musically or even personally for 2020?

“I just want to be in a place once 2020 is over where I feel like I’m in prime position to make a real name in the industry and know I’m no longer just a local artist.”

What is your favourite way to relax away from music?

“I like to play basketball or play video games, I’m really competitive and that usually helps get my fix.”

What's one piece of advice that someone has given you that you always remember? Or,  What piece of advice would you tell a younger Roman if you could?

I’ve grown up with almost no advice with what to do with to do with my career. But I would just tell younger Roman to work harder than ever and not to wait for anything to happen for you to feel inspired to work hard.”

What's the one thing about the music industry that you hate being told? Has anyone ever been negative about your choice to pursue music?

“I really hate the politics behind music sometimes. It’s seems like people are in it too much for the money or for the clout. This is no surprise but it’s hard to find genuine people in this game.”

What is your favourite snack?

“Honestly I love all snacks but my heart will always belong to Mazapan candies.”

Stream Need a Friend here.