KOKO- "Keep writing, push your writing further and you'll see rewards"

By Run That Again


Dark, ethereal, eclectic. This is how we’d describe KOKO, the Bristol trio whose music is designed to shock and turn expectation on its head. It’s hard to place exactly where their sound lies, with their EP ‘Follow’ showing every side of the band; tracks like ‘Tell Me Do You Care’ highlight their emotional ballad-inspired direction, whilst ‘Freak’ is inspired by a funky electro-pop feel. Now, with the release of their single ‘Now That I’m Wanting More’, a dark inversion of the childhood staple Teddy Bear’s Picnic- but it’s sexy? There’s a lot about this band we are puzzled by, but in absolutely the best way possible. We sat down with the trio to chat all things KOKO.

Tell us about ‘Now That I’m Wanting More’.

“It’s the first track we’ve put out since the Follow EP earlier this year. It’s full of bass!”

How would you describe your sound/ who are your favourite artists and influences?

“We think it’s quite difficult to describe our sound, there are elements of dance, electronic, r&b and pop throughout. Let’s call it dark electronic pop. We’d say our influences are somewhere in between: The Weeknd, The Neighbourhood, Camelphat, Billie Eilish & The 1975.”

When did you decide to pursue music as a career?

“We all met at the beginning of 2018 and it instantly clicked. We locked ourselves away for a year in the studio, and when we found that magic ‘Koko’ formula in the songs we began to have a lot of fun. We have always been on the same page with how we wanted the aesthetic of the band to be. The aim is to take this everywhere over the next few years!”


What are your goals for this year musically?

“Play as much as possible! Which is kind of rubbish right now!”

Thing you're most proud of so far in your music career?

“The thing we’re most proud of is getting our music out there! It’s always a scary moment when you’ve been sat on the music for so it’s almost like a  proud parent moment when we see people’s reactions to the Follow EP… it’s mental! That and playing it live, our first show was at the Waiting Room in London to a sold out crowd, it was dark and sweaty and raw, perfect environment for a Koko show!”

Best piece of advice you have ever received?

“Keep writing. Push your writing further and you’ll see rewards. We felt we had a whole record ready with bangers, but these are nowhere near as good as what we ended up putting on the Follow EP in the end! It’s always a progression and we’re learning all the time.”

 What's the worst thing people tell you about the music industry?

“Just that its really hard to get your voice heard in the early stages! It’s ultra competitive. This just drives us to want it more and pushes us to do better!”

If you could collaborate with any artist in the world, who would it be and why?

“We all would love different people to jump in on a track, but one we all agree on would be TAKE A DAYTRIP (two lads from new York who produce and DJ). They worked with some great names and would be sick to have them involved with one of our tracks !” 

What's one surprising thing about you that people may not know?

“Ollie grew up in Thailand and has a history in Thai boxing!”

What's your favourite snack?

“Ollie- peparami – coz they lush 

Harry - Spicy peanuts. They go well with beer

Ashely - There’s a falafel wrap shop next to the studio in Soho, London. Nuff said.”

Listen to ‘Now That I’m Wanting More’ here.