Cooper Phillip – 'be that muse to yourself'

By Tania Chakraborti

Cooper Phillip’s latest track Not Perfect is so alluring. It has everything you’d want from a summer pop anthem; it’s catchy, inspiring and has a strong Katy Perry meets Tove Lo vibe – we just love it. It’s not hard to see why the artist has accumulated over 10 million streams and over 300k Instagram followers in a few short years. We just knew we had to talk to the Los Angeles based singer about her music and career so far.


How would you describe your sound and who are your favourite artists and influences?

“Soul music has been my all time favorite. I grew up listening to Mariah, Whitney and some gospel artists like Kim Burrell, Cece Winans and I absolutely love the soulful aspect of it. It simply makes you feel something. My sound is more pop/rnb but I lean towards soul sounds also.”

We love Not Perfect, please tell us more about the inspiration behind the track?

“The inspiration behind this idea was a social model of our society where we often are lost. We often try to fit in and thus lose the uniqueness of who we are and how we feel in this world. I always felt like an outsider and wanted people to like me but it didn't happen until I realized I have to like and accept myself for who I am.”

Best piece of advice you have ever received musically?

“I can’t remember the person who gave me the advice but it sounded like this:
“Don’t wait for a muse to write an amazing song. Be that muse to yourself””

What's the worst thing people tell you about the music industry and has anyone ever been negative about your desire to pursue a career in music?
”I’ve heard many nasty things about the people in the industry and had many situations myself that I wish to forget. But I believe in power of real music, the power of gift. I learned to see only amazing things about music.”

If you could collaborate with any artist in the world, who would it be and why?
”I love Beyoncé and Bruno Mars. It’s big unlimited love.”

What's one surprising thing about you that people may not know?
”I love teaching singers and work with people who have stuttering and asthma and have 44 successful cases where I was able to heal people with the amazing knowledge of breathing that I have.”

What do you do to relax when you're not making music?
”I listen to music and recharge. I love California. It’s the most beautiful nature I’ve ever seen. I love the ocean.”

How do you think your background moving across the world to pursue music as a career has shaped your sound and work ethic?
”It changed my personality, made me a stronger, smarter, kinder person and it’s amazing to able to share your ideas with others.  I love receiving amazing feedback from people all over the world. It’s extremely important for me to feel love and inspiration.”

What do you think makes a great song?

“I think a strong powerful message makes the song.“

Listen to Not Perfect here.