Blle – 'focus on yourself and your own journey'

By Run That Again


Blle’s sound is really intriguing; commercial pop with an edge and definitely one for fans of Charlie XCX and SAYGRACE. She’s already had national airplay on stations like Radio 1 with her track ‘Don’t be Surprised’, and we’re hardly surprised given her vibrant and quirky aesthetic. We sat down with Blle to talk about her music so far.

How would you describe your sound and influences?

“I'd say my sound is influenced by quite a lot of genres and artists I love - house music and glitchy dark pop are big ones for me as they're both genres I consume so much. When writing I use my own experiences and try to elevate them, and then I sometimes like to take my friends stories and intertwine them into my own.”

Best piece of advice you have received so far in your career?

“Don't focus on what everyone else is doing - focus on yourself and your own journey. As cheesy as it sounds ahah it's so true! Everyones journey and path is so different and it's so easy to get wrapped up in what everyone else is doing and end up loosing sight of what you're working towards.”

What's next for you in 2020 musically?

“New music, new music and new music !!! I've been creating a lot over the past few months so I'm excited to release it all into the world. And hopefully some live shows but we will have to see!”

Favourite pastime when you're not making music?

‘I've recently started learning how to DJ so that's been super fun to do in my spare time, also going out and having fun with my friends makes my heart full!”

Best piece of advice you have ever received?

“Stay present and appreciate what you have.”

Favourite snack?

“Biscuits, the biscuit jar is by my side 24/7 at home.”

Tell us more about any upcoming tracks?

“I've been really pushing myself when writing lately whilst also just doing what feels authentic and making music I would wanna listen to myself! It's definitely taking a more dark pop turn which I'm super excited for - feels super me.”

How are you keeping busy during lockdown?

“I've started a whole new separate side project which has kept me busy but I've mostly been producing and writing - oh and lots of snacking.”

Who is your dream collaboration?

“I'd love to write with Tove Lo, she's an incredible songwriter and artist who has perfectly carved her own place in the industry.”