Treasure - 'there's no need for "boxes" anymore'

By Run That Again

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Treasure’s latest offering, the album ‘Suffocation & Air, is a real delight: mixing Childish Gambino-esque vocals with a Tame Impala-infused production soundscape. Yet there’s something unmistakably individual about this album which is hard to define but is evident from the very beginning of the journey: in ‘You & I’ the first song on the album, a listener is met with a bell tolling- it’s all very mysterious and magical. The track is also one of our personal favourites off of the 9-track album, as whilst being really easy, intriguing listening, there’s something highly emotionally charged behind the lyrics, as Treasure delves into his fears after going through a traumatic assault.

The album is all about self-acceptance: speaking of the piece, Treasure says: “I've always struggled to fit in and can't find my place in this industry or world even, but I'm okay with that. Music is my way of protesting my unapologetic individuality.”

His latest single release, ‘Nothing Matters’ is similarly hypnotic, with more of an R&B/indie vibe- perhaps it’s best if you listen for yourself so you can be drawn in as much as we have. We promise it’ll be worth it.

We sat down with Treasure to chat about his life and musical career so far.

Tell us more about Suffocation & Air, what does it mean to you and why did you choose that title?

“Suffocation & air is the low fidelity album I've always wanted to make. It's full of songs of self-love, and self-affriming mantras. 

I called it suffocation & air for two reasons, the first being based on James Wallman's book  "Suffocation: Living More with Less", and the second being the feelings of suffocation felt at our lowest and the the freeing air felt when things are going right. You can't have one without the other.” 

Favourite TV programme and why! 

“I don't own a TV, but on Netflix fanboy. I would say Midnight Gospel is my faviorite program at the present time! I'm a sucker of the mixture of animation and the home truths that are presented in this program.”


How would you describe your sound? Who are your favourite artists and influences?

”Ever-changing and surreal. My favorite artists are Chet Baker, Tyler the creator, Choker, and Frank Ocean. My biggest influence is definitely life, I only create from a place of life experience.”

When did you decide to pursue music as a career?

“It was 2017, and I was 2 years into my mind-numbing desk job. I'd decided to leave my job and go to university to upskill as an audio engineer.””

What are your goals for this year?

“This year I aim to release another the 2nd volume of 'Suffocation & Air II'. I'm also hoping to get some more featured artists on my songs this year.” 

Thing you're most proud of so far musically?

“Making genuine conncetions with fellow other musicians. Most of the artists I've met on this journey have opened my mind to new possibilities.”

Best piece of advice you have ever received?

“The best piece of advice I've received is, not overthinking every musical decision. I've been able to create freely because of it.”

What's the worst thing people tell you about the music industry?

“That you need to have a "genre", if somebody wants to listen to your music they will so there's no need for "boxes" any more.”

“I haven't had any express a negative opinion about my desire to pursue a career in music, but I've had plently of people ask "How's your little music thing going?".

If you could collaborate with any artist in the world, who would it be and why?

“Charlie XCX, she's a machine. I'd love to know what her process is when it comes to creating her iconic top lines.”

What's one surprising thing about you that people may not know?

“Well, I used to be in a Metalcore band called As You're Falling with a few buddies. It was called Divergence and it's still available to stream on Youtube.” 

What's your favourite snack?

“Any of you snack on Häagen-Dazs? Because the pralines and cream has been my go-to this spring! Why? Because of nostalgia, it takes me back to a time in my childhood where "Blockboster" movie nights with my family were the norm.” 

Stream Suffocation & Air here.

Stream Nothing Matters here.