Reece Interview - Contemporary R&B done right

By Tania Chakraborti

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Reece is one of those artists you’re all too lucky to catch early in their career.

After opening for the likes of NomBe at the legendary Fonda, completing a 5-show run with Maverick Sabre and opening for Grammy-Award winning producer and global star FINNEAS in New York and LA, Reece is already making serious waves in the music industry with his previous releases. And now, with his latest track ‘K.’, Reece shows us contemporary R&B done right- with falsetto and vocal tones akin to the likes of Khalid with that added hint of a pop track. We sit down with the artist to have a chat about his music. 

‘K.’ is an enigmatic title for a track, so naturally, we ask Reece what the track means to him and what it’s about. He replies that the “track is pretty much about an ex hitting you up recycling things they've already said in an attempt to get you back, and it's gotten to the point where their words have no meaning so all you care to say is ‘K.’.”

The track is pretty much about an ex hitting you up recycling things they’ve already said in an attempt to get you back
— Reece

Is the track about anyone in particular, we nosily ask?

“Funny enough, when I wrote it, it honestly wasn't written about anyone in particular! However, the song is eerily fitting to a current situation I'm in.”

Oooh, Intriguing.

It’s definitely a relatable theme for a track and something most people would have experienced. Reece explains that all good songs are relatable in some way, in their ability to make you experience the emotions of the track. “Great songs to me are songs that make me truly feel something, make me feel sad, or happy or nostalgic.

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“Some of my favorite songs are like time capsules, they instantly take me back to a specific time and place. If a song has that quality, it's a special one. Some of my favorite artists are Imogen Heap, SZA, Frank Ocean, and as of the past couple years, Doja Cat.”

We ask him what about Imogen Heap, whose music is a far cry from contemporary R&B, makes her his favourite artist. He reveals that her music had a huge impact on his desire to pursue music: “Imogen Heap is one of my all-time biggest inspirations, I've been listening to her since I was 9. I've really tried to model my writing and singing after hers. The way she gives love and care to every single note is something I really admire! She's insane.”

He literally could have had anyone open for him, so I will always be thankful to him for picking me and giving me that opportunity!”
— Reece

Of course, after opening for FINNEAS in New York and LA, we naturally ask how this dream gig came about and what it was like touring with the Grammy-Award winning ‘Bad Guy’ producer. He answers that it “was a fantastic experience! Him and I had the same agent at the time, and she played him some of my stuff and he let me open for him. He literally could have had anyone open for him, so I will always be thankful to him for picking me and giving me that opportunity!” 

An opportunity well-earned in our opinion. Reece has come a long way since he started his music career. We ask Reece that if he could give a piece of advice to yourself, before you started your musical journey, what would you tell yourself?

“Be more daring, don't let the opinions in your head regarding your appearance deter you from expressing yourself openly. Also, have fun and BREATHE. Best piece of advice probably came from my mom, which is to not lose myself in this, to remember that I'm doing this because I truly love music.”

Be more daring, don’t let the opinions in your head regarding your appearance deter you from expressing yourself openly. Also, have fun and BREATHE.
— Reece

After amassing over 5 million streams on Spotify in a few short years, the music doesn’t stop there, with lots of new music surfacing in 2020, many about “chronicling a relationship” Reece had last year: “I also dive into topics that I've never discussed before, so I'm excited about that and also a little nervous! I'm very excited for everyone to hear them!” 

We’re excited to hear them too here at Run That Again. To streak K. follow this link. To follow Reece on Instagram . To follow Run That Again