Quickfire Q&A with Bobbie Harvey

By Run That Again

Bobbie Harvey’s debut track ‘Send Me’ is a real sultry pop-soul anthem, reminding us of a mixture of influences from Amy Winehouse to Ariana Grande and Rita Ora. There’s something quite mesmerising about this track and its lulling power and it seems others agree too, with it recently being named track of the week on BBC 1Xtra in October. We chatted to Bobbie Harvey for a quick-fire Q&A.



How would you describe your sound/ who are your favourite artists and influences?

“My sound is very emotive. It holds a lot of character as I want people to visualise the music and feel as if they are in a movie. I like to bring elements of the classics into a modern feel using inspiration from the likes of Etta James, Sam Cooke, John Legend, Lucky Daye, Alina Baraz and Kara Marni.”

When did you decide to pursue music as a career?

“Music was my answer for everything and my priority growing up. It has always been in the forefront of my life. I LOVED performing, and luckily I attended a high school which specialised in performing arts. Once i finished Highschool I studied 1 year of acting and quickly shifted to the music course knowing my passion and dedication fell soley into singing and writing.”

What are your goals for this year musically?

“Pre lockdown I had planned to release an EP at the beginning of the year but due to the circumstances which has worked in my favour I am releasing each track as singles and aim to have these all released before the end of the year.”

Things you're most proud of so far in your music career?

“top 3 things would have to be

I supported Lower than atlantis back in 2016/17 for a university freshers performance

I recorded an original song at abbey road studies for a masterclass

and as of recently, ‘ send me ‘ is chosen as bbc introducing track of the week on 1xtra”.

Best piece of advice you have ever received?

“Better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all”.

What's the worst thing people tell you about the music industry/ has anyone ever been negative about your desire to pursue a career in music?

“A lot of fake people and that labels are very controlling. Ive never really been given any negative response to my desire to pursue music, a lot of people that don’t agree or wish to support what im doing tend not to say anything or i get a subtle cynical look.”

If you could collaborate with any artist in the world, who would it be and why?

“I would love to collaborate with John Legend. His music is so colourful and fullfilling.”

What's one surprising thing about you that people may not know?

“If someone heard my music before they heard me speak they would never guess that im northern irish.”

What's your favourite snack (we always ask this- we have a podcast called talking tracks with snacks!) and why?

“hummus with anything

peanut butter with anything

belles and whistles ginger cake bites (you’re welcome).”

Listen to Send me here.