Pavit Sanghera - 'No one in the music combining R&B with Indian classical music'

By Run That Again


Pavit Sanghera’s upcoming track ‘You Ran Away’ reminds us of a James Blake track fused together with Adele-like vocals, but with subtle, classical Indian runs.

Speaking of the track, the 21-year-old singer said it’s about “when that one person you loved and cared about leaves you just when you needed them the most. Through this song the message is no matter how much it hurts, remember that this too will pass and the tears you shed will dry out.”

The track is due to be released on 15th May and its uniqueness caught us. As soon as we heard it we knew we had to chat to the Birmingham-based, R&B soul and fusion singer.

How would you describe your sound?

I would describe my sound as exciting and unique. No one in the music industry that I know of at this moment is combining R&B with stylistic choices that are taken from Indian classical music. Which I think sets me apart while also creating a whole new sub-genre to let other artists like myself express their culture in their music.

Who is your favourite artist?

Choosing a favourite artist is hard as I have admired many but if I had to choose it would be Jessie J and Demi Lovato. Mostly because I have grown up with these two strong and powerful voices surrounding me. As far as influences in the R&B Industry go, I take a lot of inspiration from artists like Jorja Smith, SZA and H.E.R while my fusion of Indian classical music with the western genre comes from a particular artist called “Raghav.” He was maybe one of the only Indian artist (that I know of) that made it into the mainstream charts by incorporating Indian classical elements in his music.

No one in the music industry that I know of at this moment is combining R&B with stylistic choices that are taken from Indian classical music.
— Pavit Sanghera

When did you decide to pursue music as a career?

I’ve had my fair share of dreams that I thought I was going to accomplish, from ballet-Judo-Kickboxing-Swimming professionally but by the age of 11, I knew that music was the career path that I wanted to pursue. I was so sure about it that I left my mother behind to go live in India so that I could learn and train in Indian classical music for 4 years.

Best piece of advice you ever received?

The best piece of advice that I have ever received was from my Guru, Rinku sir whom I trained under. When I was feeling a bit low about rejections he said “Many people will like your music and many will not, but what matters the most is that you know that you put your 100% into your art and that’s all anyone could ask for.” It really helped me deal with any rejections or negative comments in a positive way and I am grateful for that.

If you could collaborate with any artist in the world, who would it be and why?

I would have to say Rapper NF, just because I think he is very talented, I strongly resonate with his music and message and our writing and music style would merge perfectly together as well creating an extraordinary track. I want to delve into rapping as well so this would definitely help me grow in that regard while also freely expressing myself.


What's the worst thing people tell you about the music industry?

People told me that it’s a very competitive business when I was getting into music, which it is and that’s what scares me the most. The amount of talented individuals and the slight chance that I might just drown in the sea of that talent. My family has always supported me no matter what. They have backed my choice in career path even more than I have sometimes. There are always going to be outside influences that may want to air their concerns about your goals and passions but what really matters is what my family think and if they support me then I have nothing to worry about.

What's one surprising thing about you that people may not know?

I have been on a very popular Indian dancing competition when I was younger that was broadcasted on SonyTV. It was called Boogie Woogie

[Another things is] the fact that I am not allergic to mushrooms. I do tell people that I am allergic to mushrooms just because I hate them so much.