Cian Ducrot - 'I just wanna say it how it is and make it honest'

By James Garbett

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Emotionally cogent and demonstrably talented, Cian Ducrot is proving a sensational internet hit. The multi-instrumentalist has an incredible gift for writing songs that bring empowerment from complex and tough emotions.

His recent single, ‘Fucked Up All The Time’, has already hit a million streams, and he’s now surpassed 500,000 followers on TikTok. Raised in Cork with a passion for music and then achieving a scholarship to the prestigious Royal Academy of Music, he dropped out of the robust institution to focus on his artist career and has since then continued to grow in popularity as an artist.

We got a chance to speak to him about his skills as a muti-instrumentalist, his own musical challenges and more.


You play all the instruments on "Anyone but her" just as you did for "fucked up all the time", how was the production on "Anyone but her" in particular? Did it come together naturally or was there a lot of trial & error? 

“For all my songs I kinda just go with the flow I rarely get stuck. It just goes and goes until I feel like it’s done and I’ve created the perfect soundscape for the song. I usually take it to 80% until I know I’m gonna release it and then I finalise it”.

You've said the key is writing with "brutal honesty", why is that? 

“Because then people will believe your words and your music. So many artists write things they don’t mean or that isn’t true just to be clever or sound good. That’s not me. I have no interest in sounding clever or fancy I just wanna say it how it is and make it honest.”

 What are the key lessons you've learned from studying music and perhaps what were you taught that you disagree with?

“That music is meant to move you and that there are no rules. But also, there are some things that sound better than others for sure hence the rules of harmony etc. It’s important to train your ear to all of these things but to then forget them and to write from the heart. To be honest everything I was taught was valuable there isn’t anything I don’t apply, even if it’s subconscious.”

What's surprised you about the music industry and what do you think needs to change?

“It’s mostly not based on talent or ability, it’s based on stats and numbers and I never work with anyone who thinks that way. Sadly, that’s a big portion of people but hopefully with time that will change. Just make sure you pick your people who are there for the right reasons.”

 What did busking teach you about performing and has it influenced your live performances?

“For sure I’ve learned a lot from it mainly my confidence in playing to all walks of life at any time in any place.”


We loved how you handled an interaction that you showed on Instagram of you talking to a lady regarding painted nails, how does social media factor into your life an artist?

“It’s an amazing place to share your personality and your look on life and to use your platform to make the world a better place or to even help one fan who is struggling and needs someone to talk to. It’s also a beautiful place to create a community and to share your music and just have fun!” 

What is the greatest challenge you face as an artist?

“The start of your career can be hard until you find your team and people but you have to stay strong and keep going! Now I am in place of sheer gratitude and honestly one of the biggest struggles can be the awareness and guilt of being lucky enough to do something I love every day and live from it when many people don’t have that option! With great power comes great responsibility they say and I truly believe that! Don’t waste your gift!”

What makes a song fun or exciting to play? 

 “Honestly when I know it well and it’s not too hard to sing live because nothing is fun when you’re too nervous to mess up! Being comfortable is the most important and allows you to enjoy yourself the most!”

Stream Cian Durcot here.