Alyse - 'find people who you vibe with, who make you feel confident'

By Run That Again


Alyse is a new artist who has just released her first track, ‘obvious.’ But it caught our attention as a song which fans of Charlie XCX, Billie Eilish or Zoey Lily will really enjoy. We sat down with the US-based, pop-influenced artist to chat about her music.

How would you describe your sound?

“moody. haunting. raw. bold. nuanced.”

How did you get into music and who are your biggest musical inspirations?

“My best friend Sophie is the start of everything. She had the most beautiful voice you’ve ever heard and wrote the most relatable songs. She passed suddenly and unexpectedly right before our senior year of high school. In the years after I found myself being so drawn to creating my own music because of her. She’s continued to guide my journey all these years. My biggest musical inspirations- Taylor Swift (we all know she’s the queen of writing songs that rip your heart out), Billie Eilish (are we kidding with everything about her?!), Tim McGraw (I grew up on this guy), Gavin James (the voice of an angel) & so many more- thank heavens for so many talented musicians!!”

Who is your dream collaboration?

“Taylor Swift. always. Also Justin Bieber cause my high school crush on him will NEVER go away.”

What do you do to relax when you're not making music?

“Ahh how do I pick- read, write in my journal, clean, go on walks, eat, organize and spend as much time in nature as I can.”

What's your song-writing process like? What are you most proud of so far?

“It happens one of two ways 1. A melody/lyrics pop into my head, I pull out my voice memo app and record it immediately then workshop it later 2. I start playing guitar, start humming a melody, reflect on what I’m feeling right then and then start putting lyrics into the song- then it all kinda just comes together!

I think this, releasing this song has to be my proudest moment!! It has been such a process finding my sound and making something that I’m proud of and want to share with the world. I moved to Nashville almost 4 years ago wanting to pursue music but everything I came up with didn’t sit right, I never wanted to share it and I was never proud of it. FINALLY 4 years later I found something that feels so authentically me, that I am so excited to share and I couldn’t be more proud of myself for working through all of those doubt-filled feelings all these years and creating something I’m truly so excited about!”

What are your goals for 2020?

“My biggest goal this year was to create a morning and night routine - quarantine has messed with this a bit hahah but we’re being flexible! Other than than I am hoping to continue to put music out!! I’m working in the studio on my next single so hopefully it will be coming out in the next couple months!!”

Tell us more about the latest release and what do you hope listeners will feel when they hear it?

“This song is about the emotional unavailability I struggle with in relationships, due to my perfectionism. I overthink everything I could possibly overthink because I'm so scared of making the "wrong" decision. If an answer isn't completely obvious to me I stew over it for ages-which means I've now been in a serious relationship for 4 years and still question whether or not I'm making the right or wrong choice (my poor boyfriend has had to deal with my indecisiveness for far too long haha). I’m so excited to share and I hope that it resonates with my fellow indecisive people.”

What’s one thing about you people might not know?

One of my biggest passions in life is intuitive eating- if you don’t know what that is- look it up right now. IT. WILL. CHANGE. YOUR. LIFE!!! The idea that our body knows what we need, when we need. Becoming in tune with your body and learning to trust it again!! Also I love coloring & I’m obsessed with my home state- Utah.”

What advice would you give someone who wanted to release their own music for the first time as you have this year?

“I have been so lucky to have such supportive friends and family!! My advice- Find people who believe in you, find people who you vibe with, who make you feel confident and who push you musically/creatively. The people you surround yourself with are going to be critical & find a sound and a voice that feels authentic to you and who you are, I couldn’t stress this enough!! It will feel so much better when what you put out feels true to you.”

Stream obvious. here.